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May 25, 2009

Mantak Chia in NYC this weekend.

Tao Master Mantak Chia in New York City

May 29 - June 4, 2009
Register at www.healingtaonyc.com or 212-243-6771

Friday evening, May 29 - Introduction to Taoist Secrets of Love at the New York Open Center.
Call 212-219-2527 to register for this seminar only or click here.

Saturday and Sunday, May 30 - May 31 - The Tao of Sex - Healing Love Practices for Health and Spiritual Development on Saturday and Sunday, May 30-31 at the META CENTER, 214 W. 29th Street on the 16th Floor in Manhattan.

Monday and Tuesday, June 1-2, Master Chia shares the practice of Simple Bone Marrow Nei Kung at the META Center (address above). This level of Iron Shirt Chi Kung works directly on the organs, bones and tendons in order to strengthen the entire system beyond its ordinary capacity. An extremely efficient method of vibrating the internal organs allows the practitioner to shake toxic deposits out of the inner structure of each organ by enhancing Chi circulation. Learn how to strengthen your bones by increasing bone density and structure. Re-grow the marrow through bone breathing and internal sexual organ massage. Through the process of absorbing energy into the bones, bone marrow can be revitalized to replenish the blood and nourish the life force within. In ancient times, the "Steel Body", attained through this practice was a coveted asset in the fields of Chinese medicine and martial arts.

Wednesday evening, June 3 - Master Chia will lead us through the "World Link Meditation". This event will be at Subud Center, 230 W. 29th St. (next to the META Center) from 7PM - 10PM. Through the World Link practice you learn to empty the upper brain so your awareness and consciousness can be awakened. You link your own awareness and conscious centers, connect your “personal star” to other people's stars around the world and join an effort to link with the Universal/Cosmos/God Force. This will create an endless source of Chi that can be used for healing and spiritual development for yourself and others. The universe has abundant energy to enhance our life. All we need to do is connect to the source. It helps to understand the principle of fusing the three minds -- the aspect of mind in the brain; the conscious mind in the heart; and the awareness mind in the lower abdomen. The three minds combine and fuse together in the abdomen, creating one mind, called ìYiî in Taoist teaching. When people from all around the world link together simultaneously, the meditation is greatly empowered. New to meditation? This is a great way to start. Novices and people involved in other systems of meditation are welcome. $30 in advance; $40 at the door.

Thursday, June 4 -Finally, on Thursday, June 4 at the META Center (address above), Reprogramming Your DNA. Master Chia is known for integrating the latest advances in science with his understanding of the ancient Taoist techniques he learned from his Taoist masters. Reprogram yourself to your "Original Blueprint". Boost your immune system with meditation and energy directing exercises. Intentional breathing activates the training camp of your immune system and strengthens the blood in your bone marrow. Learn to release free radicals with Healing Sounds.

Feel free to contact me with your questions and concerns.

Register at www.healingtaonyc.com or by phone at 212-243-6771.

Please say you saw this on The-Tao.com when you register

Posted by james at May 25, 2009 10:41 AM


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