Drawing on 30 years of spiritual cultivation, Taoist practice, I Ching study and work with a variety of masters and teachers, I Ching and Taoist Instructor James McConnell, through Tao Atlantic offers group and individual instruction and study in various Taoist and related disciplines. Drawing on the practical and esoteric teachings of two living Taoist Masters, group and one-on-one instruction is offered in Tai Chi, Chi Kung, and related Taoist Meditative Arts.
Offered on an individual basis, Chi Kung Therapy addresses specific health and personal growth related issues with exercises and practices prescribed specifically for the individual's situation. Combined with a program of regular consultation, the ancient Chi Kung practices are as effective today as they were in ancient China.
Offered privately or to small groups, instruction in the ancient art of consulting the I Ching, both as an Oracle and for insight into spiritual cultivation offers an excellent tool to focus and clarify all of Taoist and Chinese practices for health and self cultivation.
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